Are you a PhD candidate, postdoc, researcher or (assistant/associate) professor?

The Netherlands is looking for researchers like you!

Finding interesting research positions takes time. Which jobs or organisations in the Netherlands match your profile best? Our CV Match gives you the answer right away!

Why doing research in the Netherlands?

  • Excellent research: all Dutch universities are among the top 2% of universities worldwide
  • The Netherlands ranks 2nd worldwide in publications per researcher and citation impact score
  • A broad variety of research subjects: agriculture, behaviour and society, economics, engineering, food, health, language and culture, law, natural sciences
  • Best non-native English speaking country
  • Almost never tuition fees to do a four-year PhD trajectory
  • Dutch innovative top sectors are among the best in the world: agri & food, water, logistics, high tech, energy, horticulture, IT, chemistry, life sciences and creative industries
  • Great place to live and centrally located in Europe

Find your research job with the CV Match


Which research positions in the Netherlands might be something for you? Upload your Curriculum Vitae in our CV Match and find out which research jobs match your profile.

How does the CV Match work?
You can upload an English or Dutch CV in .doc, .docx or .pdf format. The tool scans your text and compares it with the text in the vacancies on our website. You will get an overview of the best matching currently available and expired jobs on AcademicTransfer.

Work with the results

The best matches are shown on top, the more blue dots the better the match (1 to 6, best score is 6).

Still the chances are rare that there will be a perfect match right away. That's why we advise you to save your document in your account, so you can match it regularly.

Be proactive
What is also interesting is that our CV match tool does not only match your document with the current job offers but also with expired vacancies. Expired vacancies can give you new job inspiration and insights in what kind of future jobs will be published on our platform. It’s worthwhile to study these positions, because it can give you a lot of information about which organisations, research groups or professors are a good match for you and it can give you an idea of people you would like to add to your network. In the Netherlands proactivity is appreciated and sending in an open application is common.

Match your CV with jobs

Start matching your CV now and find your research job in the Netherlands.

Interesting for you

On AcademicsConnected, you will also find the following services that might help you finding your research job in the Netherlands:

  • Career Navigator: explore career paths for researchers in the Netherlands
  • Career Reflector: take a free self-assessment to get a better understanding of your talents and skills
  • Research Match: find jobs that match your research
  • Job alert: get new research jobs automatically in your mailbox