Full Professor - Chair of European Culture and Literature and RUG Ambassador for Latin America (University of Groningen)
Pablo Valdivia is Full Professor - Chair of European Culture and Literature and RUG Ambassador for Latin America (University of Groningen), Associate in Applied Physics at Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Harvard University), Fellow in University Innovation (Laspau-affiliated with Harvard University), Academic Director of the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL), Expert Scientific Advisor of the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities and the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) and "Pablo Valdivia" Chair in Communication, Humanities and Technology (UFRO-UACH).
Before joining the University of Groningen in 2016, he worked at the University of Amsterdam, The Cambridge Foundation Villiers Park and the University of Nottingham. He holds a BA in Hispanic Studies from the University of Granada (Spain) and a BA in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from the University of Valladolid (Spain). He obtained a Research MA degree on "Research in European Literature and Theatre" awarded by UNED (Spain). In 2007, he received his PhD degree in "Philosophy of Hispanic Studies" at the University of Nottingham. His research deals primarily with the "Humanities", "Social Sciences", "Communication", "Science of Reading", "Cultural Analytics" and "Technology", and the notions of "Culture, Literature and Crisis" from a multidisciplinary transnational perspective. He is an expert on "Cultural Narratives" and "Conceptual Metaphors".
He carries multidisciplinary research with special emphasis in the fields of Digital Humanities, Artificial Intelligence, University Innovation, Data Science, Applied Physics, Social Sciences and Cognitive Sciences. Professor Valdivia is reviewer and editor of more than a dozen international top scientific journals and book series; researcher of METAPHORA project (UAM-Spanish Government); researcher of "Converging Horizons" project (ANID) and expert reviewer European Commission research projects. From 2014 to 2018, Valdivia was President Steering Committee H2020 European Commission Excellent Science Marie Curie RISE project "Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal (CRIC)" project; from 2016 to 2018 he was co-director of the "Research Centre Arts in Society" (University of Groningen), and from 2017 to 2018, Valdivia was Finances Officer CLLiP Programmes (Cultures, Literatures, Linguistics, Politics). In 2018, Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia was awarded "Lecturer of the Year" Faculty of Arts (University of Groningen). Currently, Valdivia supervises more than 13 PhD research projects.