Some connections are fundamental

Be one of them

The Faculty of Science of Utrecht University

At the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University, we are passionate about understanding how the world works. We encourage the exchange of ideas and insights among our community members to address global challenges in science.

Our people get a thrill out of advancing fundamental research based on our expertise across six departments: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Information and Computing Sciences, and Pharmaceutical Sciences. No matter how tough the challenges, colleagues and support are always near, as well as our world-class infrastructure. With interdisciplinary research and inspiring education we bring future innovations closer.

Working at the Faculty of Science

Our People

Team science is crucial in the pursuit of groundbreaking, interdisciplinary research and inspiring education. In open dialogues and encouragement, we stimulate curiosity and new initiatives based on scientific and fundamental insights. We are convinced that colleagues with different skills and perspectives make our teams stronger.


Xixi Lu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information & Computing Science

The work we do can be highly specialised and may be difficult for others to understand. Working at Utrecht University, I’ve realised that you don’t have to walk this path on your own.

Xixi tells you more about Team science.


Robin Verstraten, PhD candidate in the field of Atomic Quantum Simulators

We respect each other, so we work well together.

Read Robin's full story about diversity, flexibility and personal leadership.


Serena Di Palma, Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical sciences

When I look ahead to the future I see myself continuing in education, but maybe with an even stronger interdisciplinary and international focus.

Serena shares her career experiences and ambitions.


Markus Weingarth, Associate Professor, Chemistry

Fundamental research is all about discovering new knowledge that will become a permanent addition to how we understand the world.

Read more about what excites Markus in his work at the Faculty of Science.

World class infrastructure

The Faculty of Science has an excellent and extensive infrastructure for its research activities. Many of the facilities are among the top research facilities in Europe and are made available to both internal and external researchers.

Check out all research facilities in our Faculty.

What’s in it for you?

The Faculty of Science offers an impressive remuneration package that can be tailored to suit your needs. We also actively encourage and facilitate your professional development by funding further training, setting up internships and driving managerial development. What’s more, we promote a healthy work-life balance and offer reduced rates on sporting and cultural activities and IT equipment.

Some more specific examples of this are:

  • once every three years you can purchase a bicycle for commuting tax-free
  • annual holiday pay of 8% of your gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.3%
  • the flexibility to work remote
  • possible to buy more leave hours, sell back leave hours
  • 232 leave hours per year based on a full time contract

Location & Contact


The Faculty of Science is located in the Utrecht region in the middle of The Netherlands. There, Utrecht Science Park, provides a vibrant, dynamic and exciting place to work, to study and to interact.

Contact our HR recruitment team.



Bonobos and chimpanzees use sex to ease social tensions

  • #biologicalsciences

Sex isn’t just about reproduction - at least not for our closest relatives. A new study, co-authored by Utrecht University behavioural biologist Edwin van Leeuwen and the late Frans de Waal, reveals that bonobos and chimpanzees use sex to reduce tension and strengthen social bonds. These findings suggest that the last common ancestor of humans, bonobos, and chimpanzees - over six million years ago - may have already been using sex for social purposes.

Read more about this research here.


Newsflash Faculty of Science UU

  • #biologicalsciences
  • #technology

The Newsflash delivers quick, bite-sized updates on the latest developments at the Faculty of Science, Utrecht University. In the latest edition, learn more about what grasslands are more vulnerable to extreme drought and how researchers from Utrecht contribute to discussion about the significance of AI for work and research. 

Find out more here.