The KAUST Global Fellowship Program is designed to attract emerging research leaders working across areas under the five Research Pillars of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST):
It supports excellent postdoctoral researchers taking the initial steps towards a fully independent research career in a unique conducive environment by providing them the resources to conduct their three-year research proposal.
KAUST Global Fellows will enjoy opportunities for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural exchange, leadership training, teaching training, community engagement, professional mentorship, access to an international alumni network, and a welcoming staff dedicated to the wellbeing of all Global Fellows.
The KAUST Global Fellowship Program is a full-time, three-years, fully funded, research-based Fellowship. KAUST Global Fellows will have the opportunity to conduct their own independent research, as per the submitted proposal, with a dedicated annual research budget of up to 45,000 USD (depending on the field) and access to unparalleled laboratory facilities.
KAUST Global Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in leadership training programs, mentoring program, Harvard Higher Education Teaching Certificate and more opportunities and programs offered by the Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs.
Eligibility criteria:
Candidates are required to submit a 3-year research proposal in an area of research aligned with those of KAUST and that addresses global challenges under one or more of the five Research Pillars.
Together with their proposal and required documents, applicants need to have evident support/ expression of interest from a KAUST faculty to host them and their research.
Applicants should apply through the electronic application form, following the instructions on the KAUST Global Fellowship Program website.